Log house in Cadca

Log house in Cadca

Log cottage is for sale as semidetached with separate plot and descriptive number. Entrance is from the road between Čadečka and Čadca. Cottage was built in 1938, renovated in 1988. For sale is also an outbuilding, which can be used as garage. In outbuilding is a concrete cellar 3,5x3, 5m. The cottage has new wastewater line; gas is on the border of the land. The dimensions of the cottage are 6X8. Cottage is connected to the municipal water. Living Room has a fireplace which can heat up the whole cottage. Living room has 4x4m. Kitchen is 2,5 x4,5 m with tiled stove. In the object is electricity. In the bathroom 2x2m is situated 80 l electric boiler with a shower and toilet. Next bathroom is another room 4x1,5m. On the above floor is a hallway 5x1,3m connected with a large bedroom 6x5m and heated by the fireplace. Floors are wooden. Cottage is suitable for housing and recreation.


    Chalupa, rekreačný domček / predaj


    Čadca (District - Čadca)




    194 m2



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